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Showing posts from September, 2013

الأمير /عبد المحسن بن صنيتان بن عبد المحسن بن فرز الفرم

هو الأمير /عبد المحسن بن صنيتان بن عبد المحسن بن فرز الفرم أمير قبائل - بني علي - من حرب ومن كبار زعماء العشائر لما له من مكانه لديهم ولدى جلالة الملك عبد العزيز بن عبد الرحمن ال سعود رحمه الله ولد الفرم في اعالي نجد سنة 1298 هـ وتزعم القبيله في اول شبابه وكانت بني علي تسكن المدينة وماوراءها قبل ان يبؤهم أميرهم الفرم – قبه - وماحولها من سهول وأوديه شمال القصيم حيث منحها الملك عبد العزيز للفرم وعشيرته ومن إلتلف عليه من عشائر أخرى أحد أشهر رجالات الحقبه الأولى من الدوله السعوديه الشيخ فرز الفرم عاصر الإمام عبد الله بن سعود بحدود عام 1233 هـ وشاركه العديد من المعارك اذ لقب حينها باللقب الأشهر لأسرة الفرم " شريدة الفرسان " واستورثه الأمير عبد المحسن الفرم وأبنائه من بعده . قدّم الملك عبد العزيز الأمير عبد المحسن الفرم وغيره من زعماء الإخوان لحصار حائل ، واشتبك مع جيش محمد بن رشيد في معركة ياطب . ففي رسالة أرسلها الملك عبد العزيز لابن صباح جاء فيها [ لاحق خير وسرور إن شاء الله نعرف حضرتكم من طرف الأخبار لا بد بلغكم خبر ملفا ابن رشيد على الابن سعود ونكوف الابن سعود وارت...

متحدث أمني سعودي:لا نتابع مستخدمي مواقع التواصل

الرياض - وكالاتكشف المتحدث الأمني لوزارة الداخلية السعودية اللواء منصور التركي أن المملكة لا تتابع مستخدمي مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي بل ترصد من يهدد أمن الوطن.وقال اللواء منصور التركي في لقاء مع صحيفة 'عكاظ' نشرته، السبت، على موقعها الإلكتروني 'نحن لا نتابع كل من يستخدم شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي ولكن نرصد فقط المواقع التي تحرض على الكراهية أو على أعمال مخالفة للنظام'.وكشف التركي، أنه وفق ما توفر من معلومات أولية من خلال التحقيقات مع المقبوض عليهما (التشادي واليمني) قدمت المملكة معلومات للدول التي كان يحتمل أن تكون هدفاً لعمليات إرهابية سواء ضد منشآتها أو مواطنيها.وكانت وزارة الداخلية السعودية كشفت، الخميس الماضي، عن إلقاء أجهزتها الأمنية القبض على شخصين من المقيمين في السعودية، أحدهما تشادي سبق إبعاده عن السعودية وعاد بجواز دولة أخرى، والآخر يمني الجنسية، وقالت الوزارة إنهما ضالعان في التحريض على الإرهاب بالبلاد.وقال اللواء التركي في تصريحاته لصحيفة 'عكاظ' 'إن المعلومات التي مررتها المملكة للدول التي كان يتوقع تنفيذ عمليات إرهابية فيها، تم إيماناً بأن مكافح...

صور تابلت Surface 2 و إيضا الـ Surface Pro 2

طارق السويدان: تم منعي من دخول المملكة

كشف الداعية الكويتي الدكتور طارق السويدان عن صدور قرار بمنعه من دخول المملكة أثناء توجهه لأداء العمرة والحج وفقاً لما ذكر على صفحته بموقع تويتر. وقال السويدان عبر حسابه الرسمي بموقع تويتر 'قطعا للإشاعات، فقد تم منعي من دخول السعودية فقط، لأفكاري وموقفي ضد انقلاب مصر، وأقول إن حبي للسعودية وأهلها لا يهتز وإنه لا يمكن منع الأفكار'. وأوضح في تغريدة ثانية أنه كان متوجهاً لأداء العمرة هذا الأسبوع إضافة لأداء فريضة الحج إلا إنه مُنع من دخول المملكة، قائلا: 'اللهم إني كنت قد نويت العمرة هذا الأسبوع ونويت الحج هذا العام فتقبلها مني يا رب العالمين، فقد منعوني منها'.

راي الاساتذه بايفال طاهر مصطفى الاول

الايفال الاول محمود محي - ستار اكاديمي 9

Tina Fey's Saturday Night Live Highlights Include Girls Parody And A Breaking Bad Cameo

Tina Fey returned to Saturday Night Live to host the series' season premiere last night, and if you tuned in, you know she delivered the goods. Among the best sketches of the night was a parody of HBO's Girls , which had Fey playing a visiting "girl" from Albania named Blerta. While Hannah, Marnie, Shoshanna and Jessa are complaining about all of their major life crises, Blerta's just happy to have a roof over her head. "You will never do better than this man. He is strong like ox. You are weak and soft and dressed like baby." Now I'm craving a Girls vs. Mean Girls mashup. Regina George vs. HannahMarnieShoshannaJessa. So fetch. Make it happen, internet! And in this one, Tina Fey and Taran Killam play airport employees who announce every type of flyer. They deny boarding to people who clap when the plane lands. I expect these are the same people who clap at the end of a movie in the theater. Next up, we have the e-Meth commercial, which includes ...


MULTIPLE CHOICE.  Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) Economics is the study of 1)A)how to distribute income as equally as possible. B)how to plan an economy. C)why resources are scarce. D)how to best help the poor. E)the allocation of scarce resources among alternative uses. 2) Scarcity is likely to be 2)A)unique to the twentieth century. B)a problem that will always exist. C)a result of the work ethic. D)eliminated with a better understanding of economics. E)a problem that will be solved by the proper use of available resources. 3) Because resources are scarce, individuals are required to 3)A)make choices among alternatives. B)improve production but not distribution. C)use resources inefficiently. D)improve distribution but not production. E)sacrifice production but not consumption. 4) The opportunity cost of producing good A is defined to be 4)A)the cheapest method of producing good A. B)what must be sacrificed of other good...

قصة الراعي النميري ـ الشيخ صالح المغامسي

U.S. Marine Sniper Eliminates Taliban Fighter

اغتيال الملك فيصل [ مقطع نادر ] .

يوميات ستار اكاديمي 9

إضافة تعليقات الفيسبوك لمدونات بلوجر

هذه إضافة مهمة جدا لمستخمدي مدونات بلوجر حيث إنتظرها الجميع دون إستثناء, هذا الدرس الأول و الوحيد على الشبكة العنكبوتية مقدم إليكم حصريا على معهد ترايدنت و مدونة سراج. لتركيب هذه الإضافة اضغط هنا  المصدر:

شرح اضافة تعليقات الفيس بوك على مدونة بلوجر ,, اسهل واجدد شرح

غداً يبدأ التقديم لوظيفة جندي فني وعريف بقوات الدفاع الجوي الملكي

( إخبارية حائل ) حائل : تستقبل قوات الدفاع الجوي الملكي لسعودي أعتباراً من يوم غدٍ الأحد، طلبات التقديم لوظائف جندي أول فني وعريف فني، حيث يتم التسجيل عبر موقع القوات الإلكتروني . واشترطت "القوات" في المتقدم أن يكون سعودي الأصل والمنشأ باستثناء من نشأ مع والده خارج المملكة، وأن يكون حاصلاً على شهادة الثانوية العامة، بنسبة لا تقل عن 70%، وأن يكون حسن السير والسلوك ولم يدان في جريمة مخلة بالشرف والأمانة . كما اشترطت أيضاً أن لا يزيد عمر المتقدم عن 17 عاماً، وأن لا يقل طوله عن 160 سم، وأن يكون غير متزوج وغير موظف في جهة حكومية، ولم يسبق له الالتحاق بالخدمة العسكرية.

"الإنجليزية" شرط أساسي للدراسة في الجامعة الإلكترونية

 إخبارية حائل ) الرياض : قالت المشرفة العامة على أقسام الطالبات والفروع بالجامعة السعودية الإلكترونية الدكتورة هنا الفدا، إن إجادة اللغة الإنجليزية شرط أساسي للدراسة في الجامعة. وأضافت الفدا بأن هناك اتفاقيات تضمن حقوق منتسبات الجامعة في التوظيف عند تخرجهن مشيرة إلى وجود تنسيق دائم مع وزارة الخدمة المدنية لاختيار البرامج التي يتم تدريسها بحيث تكون متوافقة مع متطلبات سوق العمل. يشار إلى أنه تم قبول نحو 7 ألاف طالب وطالبة في الجامعة هذا العام من مختلف مناطق المملكة، منهم 75% يدرسون عبر الإنترنت "أون لاين"، والبقية يدرسون داخل الجامعة.

أطماع بعض رجال الأعمال بــ(حائل )تزداد !!

سمعوا عن حائل أنها منطقة ذات أهمية اقتصادية وأهلها أهل الكرم والطيب وتمتلك مقومات سياحية كبيرة فزادت أطماعهم وبذلوا الكثير من المال ليكون لوجودهم نصيب في حائل !! هل عرفتموهم ؟؟ إنهم تجار الفساد اللذين لاتمتلىء بطونهم أبدا وتزداد شهيتهم في النيل من حائل شيء فشيء !! والمشكلة أن بعضهم تعدت أطماعه إلى شيء أكبر وهو نقل جميع مصالحه وأعماله لحائل لكي تزداد إنتاجيته وتضييقه على أهل حائل في مصالحهم !! لماذا حائل الجميلة وأهلها الكرام يكونون ضحية تجار ليس لهم إلا زيادة أموالهم وأرباحهم من تراب هذه المنطقة التي أصبحت محرجة من أهلها اللذين أحبوها ولم تستطيع أن تمنحهم إلا القليل من ثرواتها التي ذهبت لغيرهم !! المؤسف أن هناك من رجال الأعمال من سعى لعدة طرق لتواجدهـ بحائل حتى لو أضطر لتغيير اختصاص أعماله وتعجب كثيرا عندما ترى مشروع حكومي تنفذه مؤسسة أو شركة عرف عنها أنها كانت تنفذ مشاريع أقل مستوى من هذه المشاريع العملاقة ولم تتخصص قبل في تنفيذ مثل هذه المشاريع !! هناك طرق يستخدمونها رجال الأعمال في كسب أي مشروع أو ترسيته على شركته وهي : علاقاته في كل وزارة وعمل بعض الأعمال التي تخدع مثل التبرعا...

بالصور ...الاطاحة بمطعم وسط حائل يستخدم مياه ملوثة للطهي والغسيل

أحمد المحسن (إخبارية حائل): داهمت إدارة الصحة العامة بالشئون الصحية ومراقب إدارة الخدمات الرقابية ببلدية وسط المدينة ممثلة بالاستاذ عبد العزيز ابراهيم الجروان والاستاذ مهل طالب العنزي والدكتور السيد خميس مطعما وسط مدينة حائل يستخدم المياة الملوثة، يحث تم تلقي بلاغ من مواطن بقيام وايت مياه من الويتات ذات اللون البرتقالي والتي تقوم بتعبئة المياه من اشياب شارع غطاط والمحظور استخدامها للشرب او الغسيل او ري المزروعات الورقية او النخيل او شرب الاغنام ويتقصر استخدامها للبناء واطفاء الحرائق لثبوت عدم صلاحيتها للاستهلاك الادمي وقد تم ايقاف" الوايت" واتلاف جميع الاطعمة بالمطعم ووقف العمل به لحين غسيل وتطهير الخزانات بمحلول الكلور تركيز ومن ثم تعقيم المياه بعد ذلك تحت إشراف مراقبي ادارة صحة البيئة والصحة المهنية بادارة الصحة العامة باعتبارها الجهة المختصة بالاشراف على تطهير وتعقيم الخزانات والابار وقد تم اغلاق المطعم وويذكر أنه بعد ساعة واحدة اتصل مدير المطعم على مندوب ادارة الصحة العامة يبلغه بالانتهاء من عملية التطهير بواسطة مؤسسة متخصصة مما جعل مندوب ادارة الصحة العامة يرتاب في ال...

Jaw Dropping: Star Citizen HD Sizzle Reel

I am going to play the s&!$ out of this game. AMD rolled out its new R9 and R7 GPU lines yesterday, and to help show off the ridiculous 5 TFLOPS of compute power the flagship R9 290x comes packing, the card maker brought Chris Roberts to the stage. The Wing Commander creator unveiled a new “sizzle reel” of his in-development, crowdfunded space sim, Star Citizen , and I immediately replayed it after my first viewing. There is a fair amount of stuff we’ve seen before, but also plenty of new footage to get your jaw dropping. Make sure you watch this one full screen and in HD. Speaking of Star Citizen, it will most likely cross the $20 million funding target today , a stretch goal that will bring FPS fighting on select lawless planets. Amazing.

Rod Fergusson & 2K Games Opening New SF Studio

One of gaming’s top executive free agents is opening a new studio in the Bay Area. Rod Fergusson and 2K Games are forming a new studio in San Francisco. The former Epic Games and Irrational Games executive confirmed as much on his Twitter account earlier today. 2K Games also confirmed the move to Polygon . Fergusson was most recently the Executive Vice President of Development at Irrational Games, where he helped push Bioshock Infinite to release. Before working with Ken Levine, Fergusson worked at Epic Games in several roles from 2005-2011, and he worked at Microsoft for a decade before that. [Top image via TechnologyTell ]

EA Settles NCAA Lawsuits, Won’t Make NCAA Football 15

Electronic Arts will not make a college football video game in 2014-15. EA Sports just posted an official statement titled, “Update on College Football,” in which American Football GM Cam Weber says there will be no EA NCAA Football 15 published next year. In fact, there’s a chance that NCAA Football 14 will be the last college football game we see for a long time, as EA re-evaluates its future strategy for the franchise. From the EA release (emphasis added): Today I am sad to announce that we will not be publishing a new college football game next year, and we are evaluating our plan for the future of the franchise. This is as profoundly disappointing to the people who make this game as I expect it will be for the millions who enjoy playing it each year. I’d like to explain a couple of the factors that brought us to this decision. We have been stuck in the middle of a dispute between the NCAA and student-athletes who seek compensation for playing college football. Just...

Afternoon Reading: Game Developers Sound Off On SteamOS

Valve wants Linux to play a major role in the future of PC gaming , but how do developers feel about the publisher’s plans? Gamasutra reached out to a few developers for their thoughts on the Linux push, and the feedback was pretty positive overall. Said Paradox CEO Fredrik Wester to Gamasutra : “I think it offers a whole range of new opportunities and a much needed independent competitor to the big console and gaming platform makers…In the end I think the gamers will be the winners, because ultimately, the hardware best suited for the gamer is the one that will have most success.” Competition is good, and it breeds better platforms, tools, and ultimately, games. While no one quoted in the article takes issue with Linux as a gaming OS — excluding an old quote from John Carmack, who might change his tune now that Valve has tipped its hand — there are some short-term hurdles that need to be cleared. Some popular game development toolsets, like the Wwise sound engine, do not...

Here Are All The Battlefield 4 Multiplayer Modes And Maps

EA has revealed the full list of multiplayer modes coming in Battlefield 4 . With the Battlefield 4 beta just around the corner — October 1st for pre-orderers, and October 4th for everyone else — EA and DICE have announced the seven game modes coming at launch, with two of the modes playable during the open beta. The two game modes playable in the BF4 beta are Conquest and Domination. Conquest and its 64-player support is the mode every Battlefield fan is familiar with — capping different points on a map until one team’s ticket counter hits zero. Domination, which was called Conquest Domination in Battlefield 3 , supports up to 20 players total (so 10v10), does not support Commander Mode, and is a “fast-paced infantry variant of Conquest.” The seven game modes that will be available at launch are: Conquest (in the beta) Domination (in the beta) Obliteration Defuse Team Deathmatch Rush Squad Deathmatch So far, there’s been no mention of Air Superiority, Tank Supe...

E.L.E: Planetary Annihilation Beta Now Live

Don’t just win, annihilate! That’s the tagline for Uber Entertainment’s (Super Monday Night Combat) Kickstarted RTS, Planetary Annihilation , and it seems fitting. Players won’t simply go to battle on a planetary scale with thousands of units, they’ll be able to destroy entire worlds. At least that’s the pitch. How does this promising Total Annihilation-inspired project actually play? Now is a good time to find out. Planetary Annihilation is officially out of alpha (its rather hilarious $90 alpha , that is), and you can get into a beta version of the RTS now for the much more reasonable price of $60 . Uber marked the occasion with a new trailer that shows off all the building, gathering, and destroying action: It’s also worth noting that Planetary Annihilation was one of the first big gaming Kickstarter projects, and it amassed an impressive $2.2 million in contributions back in August 2012. Of all those early Kickstarters, like Double Fine’s Broken Age , Wasteland 2 , C...

Watch The Last of Us Alternate Ending

You have no idea what goes down in the alternate ending to The Last of Us . Go ahead, ramble off all of the scenarios you can imagine that would transform the conclusion to Ellie and Joel’s odyssey . Yep, I thought of all those before watching this video from Naughty Dog, too. Trust me, it’s none of those. It’s actually this: The video was released in celebration of #OutbreakDay , the day in which Naughty Dog unveils the new DLC adventure for The Last of Us. We’re expecting word sometime this afternoon. Stay tuned.

CCP Says A New Age is Dawning in EVE Online: Rubicon

As an outside observer, EVE Online seems like one massive stalemate of a space sim. Factions are so entrenched and powerful, no one wants to start trouble, less they trigger one of those rare massive battles we occasionally see on You Tube. Well, it appears the stalemate won’t last much longer. Developer CCP has decided to shake things up with its “next several” free EVE Online expansions , the first of which is called Rubicon. It will introduce new “quick-strike” options that will encourage guerrilla-war style raids and small fleet battles that CCP says will allow players to “erode industrial power from deep behind enemy lines.” “Rubicon represents the defining moment when the scales of intergalactic power will shift irrevocably to players, the immortal capsuleers,” CCP said in a statement. “It expands the unmatched autonomy that EVE’s pilots have over their massive game universe at the expense of its four main factions and gives them a greater arsenal with which to buil...

Red Orchestra 2, Dead Island: Riptide Get Free Steam Weekend

If you’re short on cash and looking for some free gaming fun this weekend, Steam (shocker, I know) is the place to be. Tripwire Interactive’s underrated FPS Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad and its community-made expansion, Rising Storm , are free to download and play from now until Sunday at 1 p.m. Pacific. And if you’d rather kill the undead than your fellow digital man, Dead Island: Riptide is also free on Steam all weekend long. As per Steam-free-weekend usual, there are also major sales if you decide to pull the trigger and buy after you try. The Red Orchestra Franchise Pack, including the first two games and Rising Storm, is 75% off, from $60 to just $15. Already have Heroes of Stalingrad? Grab Rising Storm alone for $10 – 50% off it’s standard $20 price tag. Dead Island: Riptide is 66% off its usually $40 price and can be had for just $13.59. You can add its two DLC packs for just $2.36.

Not Much of an Outbreak: The Last of Us DLC Detailed

The Last of Us outbreak is coming, just not for another few months. After delighting fans with an “alternate” ending to Joel and Ellie’s post-apocalyptic murder-spree yesterday, Naughty Dog teased a big #Outbreak announcement where its plans for The Last of Us DLC would be outlined. Given the name used in the tease, I was expecting the promised new single-player campaign content would be revealed. Like many of you, I also assumed we’d get details on that new content. Not so much. In a post on PlayStation Blog , Naughty Dog offered little information and said we won’t get the single-player adventure until December at the earliest, possibly January 2014. “This is an ambitious story with strong ties into the narrative of The Last of Us,” Naughty Dog’s Eric Monacelli states. “We just wrapped up a long casting process for a new character, and we’re starting our performance capture shoot next week. The single-player DLC is currently planned for release around the December-Ja...

Your Smartphone is a Controller in Beyond: Two Souls

Huh. I struggled through half of Heavy Rain before giving up on the clunky controls. Quantic Dream has admitted control was an issue, but promises it has completely overhauled the system for its next effort, Beyond: Two Souls . They’ve evidently streamlined and simplified the controls so much, you’ll be able to use your smartphone as a controller. And I don’t know how I feel about that. Speaking at the Eurogamer Expo , Quantic Dream’s David Cage revealed that Beyond: Two Souls will be playable in its entirety via iPhone or Android touch devices. “It connects to the console via Wi-Fi, and from this point you can play the entire game, in single-player if you want, just using your iPhone … just with one finger,” Cage said. “It’s a very simplified interface [and] makes the game very passive and simple.” Just download the free app, Beyond Touch , and you’ll be up and running when Beyond: Two Souls launches on October 8. It’s unclear if you’ll be able to use the touch controls...

38 Studios “Project Copernicus,” KoA IP To Be Auctioned Off

Come November, The rights to 38 Studios Project Copernicus and Kingdoms of Amalur will have a new owner. At 9 AM ET on November 13th, Heritage Global Partners will begin a one-day auction that will be responsible for selling off everything in the 38 Studios and Big Huge Games wheelhouse. The auction includes sequel rights, existing games, and assets for games being worked on by the studios, including the “Project Copernicus’” MMORPG. Here’s a full list of what’s up for grabs, from the HGP website (emphasis added): Intellectual property rights in the “Amalur” fantasy universe including: “ Project Copernicus ” an in development Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) including a 10,000 year world history, completed character “races” and playable “zones” Sequel rights to the critically acclaimed “Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning” , including development concepts, game artwork and designs. Merchandise rights and revenue streams associated with the Xbox 360, P...

China Is Lifting Ban On Video Game Console Sales

Chinese citizens will soon *officially* join the modern console gaming collective. For the first time in 13 years, companies like Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo will be able to sell their consoles in China. The Chinese government has approved a new Free Trade Zone that will be established in Shanghai. If the aforementioned companies set up joint venture partnerships with established Chinese companies — like the agreement that Microsoft just signed with China’s BesTV New Media – then clear some hurdles with the Ministry of Culture, consoles and games will be officially available for purchase on the Chinese mainland. This all seems to be a formality, to a point. The Hollywood Reporter points out that consoles have been relatively easy to find in China despite the 2000 ban. That said, allowing console makers to officially operate in China (marketing, PR, tournaments, China-specific SKUs) should help grow the gaming market significantly there. Similar to how Hollywood has starte...

Xi3: More PISTON SteamBox Details On Monday

Remember when Xi3 was talking about Steam-focused PC hardware earlier this year ? Well the small form factor PC maker seems to be at it again. From the Xi3 press release : This coming Monday, September 30, 2013, Xi3 Corporation will reveal additional information about its forthcoming PISTON Console at 10 a.m. (PDT). As a preface to this announcement, Xi3 has prominently highlighted on its Website a gray scale illustration featuring an outline of the iconic shape of the PISTON Console with an equals sign floating in the middle of the outline. Above the PISTON Silhouette is a headline that reads, “The wait is over” with the date 09.30.13 displayed below the image. Given your interest in Xi3 / PISTON in the past, I thought you’d want to know. The PISTON PC is already available for pre-order , but not much is known about the Small Form Factor (SFF) PC besides its price and a few meager hardware details. We don’t even know what kind of CPU and GPU this SFF PC has yet, despit...

GTA 5: 100% Completion Tips & Unlocks

100% Completion Tips & Unlocks Work-In-Progress – Let us know if you’ve hit 100% completion! Checklist Note : Complete every task in the list below to earn 100% completion. Missions 69 Missions Completed Hobbies and Pastimes 1 Darts Game Won 1 Yoga Session Completed 1 Tennis Match Won 1 Lap Dance at the Strip Club 3 Triathlons Bronzed or Above 4 Sea Races Bronzed or Above 5 Street Races Bronzed or Above 6 Off-Road Races Bronzed or Above 9 Holes of Gold Played At or Under Par 12 Flight School Lessons Bronzed or Above 13 Parachuting Challenges Bronzed or Above 18 Shooting Range Challenges Bronzed or Above (Pistols / SMGs / Assault Rifles / Shotguns / Light Machine Guns / Heavy) Strangers & Freaks 1 Race Mission w/ Hao 1 Exercising Demons Mission w/ Mary-Ann (Franklin-Only) 5 Towing Missions w/ Tonya Completed 5 Rampage Missions 5 Paparazzo Missions w/ Beverley 2 Grass Roots Missions w/ Barry (Franklin-Only) 50 Letter Scraps Collected f...

تحميل لعبة Slendermans Shadow - Sanatorium v1.4

حجم اللعبة 99 ميجا بايت لتحميل اللعبة في الرابط التالي....

تحميل لعبة Slender v0.9.5 Beta

حجم اللعبة 59 ميجا بايت لتحميل اللعبة في الرابط التالي....

تحميل لعبة Slendermans Shadow - Elementary v1.1

حجم اللعبة 79 ميجا بايت لتحميل اللعبة في الرابط التالي....

لعبة سلندر نسخة جديدة 2013 Slender v0.9.6 Beta

File Name: File Size: 58.06 MB Date Added: 08-06-2012 Download Last 2 Week: 2426 Downloads All Time: 101483 Popularity: 100% لتحميل اللعبة اضغط ع الصورة التالية ......

Grand Theft Auto 5: How to Install on Xbox 360 with No Lag

The Xbox 360 version of Grand Theft Auto 5 is currently experiencing a bug that causes lag after installation. As noted earlier on Game Front, players are advised not to install the “play” disc . The vast knowledge of the internet coalesced to determine a solution in less than 24 hours, and we have the result. Check below to find our quick-and-easy guide to help you install the “play” disc of GTA 5 onto the 360 while avoiding this nasty lag bug. Looking for some more fun in San Andreas? Take a ride with our GTA 5 walkthrough , guiding you through each complicated mission and heist. For even more extra guides like this, check out the GTA 5 cheats page for more Easter eggs, collectible locations, and whatever else there is to know about Los Santos. How to Install to HD with No Lag Work-In-Progress – Check back as we update with new details. Follow the in-game instructions and complete the mandatory “Install” Disc 1 installation to the Xbox 360 HDD. Don’t install “Play...