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Showing posts from June, 2013

Sesame Street: Neil Patrick Harris has Telly's New Shoes

Sesame Street: LL Cool J goes on an Addition Expedition

Blogger Auto Read More Hack : Improved With Many Control Options هاك قراءة المزيد للمدونة (شرح انجليزي)

Blogger auto read hack is the best hack available for blogger.Almost every blogger use this hack.This hack automatically create post summaries with thumbnails.We already shared a auto read more hack for blogger but this time we are sharing updated auto read more hack.With using this can controls following options as you wish, You can add default thumbnail image when your posts don't have any image. You can turn off auto read more for some first posts. Option to turn on/off read more for home page and labels page. Above are the some features of this new auto read hack the script of this new hack is created by Rilwis. Now lets see how to apply this hack, How To Add Auto Read More Hack To Blogger? If you have already added a old read more hack then you have to remove it first. First go to Blogger Dashboard > Template Download a copy of your template Click Edit HTML Hit Proceed Check Expand Widget Template checkbox Find below code in your template 1 ...

سلام دانك الحلقة 10

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سلام دانك الحلقة 2

سلام دانك الحلقة 1

ماهي طرق الوقاية من البواسير؟

الطريقة الافضل للوقاية هي الاهتمام بان يكون البراز رخوا، بحيث يستطيع العبور بسهولة. ومن اجل الوقاية، او التخفيف من حدة اعراض البواسير، يفضل اتباع التدابير التالية: تناول اطعمة غنية بالالياف الغذائية الاكثار من شرب السوائل التفكير في امكانية تناول الياف غذائية كمضاف غذائي (Food additives) الامتناع عن بذل مجهود شاق الدخول الى المرحاض فور الشعور بالحاجة (عدم كبح الحاجة) ممارسة الرياضة الامتناع عن الوقوف والجلوس لفترات زمنية طويلة   المصدر

How does Google Search work ?

Google search engine is undoubtedly most widely used search engine. It was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin . We must have the knowledge of basic working and methodology used by google search engine. I have explained the things in very simple words. Read Carefully Overview : Okay lets assume , you wanna design a little search engine that would search the requested key words in few websites (say 5 websites) ,So what would be our approach ? First of all, we will store the contents that is webpages of that 5 websites in our database. Then we will make an index including the important part of these web pages like titles,headings,meta tags etc. Then we would make a simple search box meant for users where they could enter the search query or keyword. User's entered query will be processed to match with the keywords in the index and the results would be returned accordingly. We will return user with list of the links of actual websites and the preference to those websit...

SQL Injection | Step by Step deface website

What is SQL injection ? SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It is very high level language,I mean close to humans. Like SELECT,INSERT,DELETE,UPDATE queries are used to select,add data,delete data,update data respectively.SQL is used to design the databses. The information is stored in databses. SQL injection is the vulnerability occuring in database layer of application which allow attacker to see the contents stored in database. This vulnerabilty occures when the user's input is not filtered or improperly filtered.Example the webpages links in format, example . Here we are passing 130 to database and it returns the results accordingly. Lets attach a single quote at the end (') that is' and we got an error on the screen because it included the single quote (') while processing the results. It assures us that it didn't filter our ...

Trojan Horse | RAT | Configure and Use | Tutorial- Part 2

Just go through the Part 1 which includes the basics of Trojan Click here . This tutorial is about configuring and using a trojan. There are many trojans available on internet for free. Some popular ones are Beast, Pro Rat, Netbus , Back Orifice, Girlfriend, Sub 7. I will be using Pro Rat in this tutorial. Requirements 1. Prorat- Click here to download Trojan Prorat. 2. Hostname - Your IP address would probably be dynamic that it keeps changing everytime you disconnect and reconnect. You need a host name which always automatically keep pointing to your changing IP. Follow these steps -: 1. Log On to and register for an account. 2. Go to Hosts/Redirects -> Add Host and choose any free available hostname. Do not change any other option and simply click on Create Host. 3. Downloading and install their DNS update client available here Run it and enter your credentials. Update your host name and save it. 4. Lets check wheth...

Setting Backdoor in Windows | Command Prompt On Logon Screen

Lets assume that you have just cracked victim's windows password. or simply got access to his windows for some time.Can you make some changes in windows so that you could access the windows again even if victim changes the password ?? or Can you make any changes in your own windows so that you could access it anytime even if anybody sets/changes password ? Simply Can we set a backdoor in windows ? Yes we can :) . Backdoor actually means maintaining access. okay lets do one thing first. Open your command prompt (run as administrator in win 7/vista). Type the following command : Syntax : net user * Example: net user administrator * and hit enter. Set any password for that account. Hopefully your new password must have been set. did you notice one thing ? It didn't ask you to confirm old password. Now suppose if anyhow we manage to access command prompt at logon screen (without logging in), we can easily change/clear password. Okay lets move on. Now press shi...

SQL INJECTION | Website Deface | Using tool | Live Example

What is SQL injection ? SQL stands for Structured Query Language. SQL is used to design the databses. The information is stored in databses. SQL injection is the vulnerability occuring in database layer of application which allow attacker to see the contents stored in database. This vulnerabilty occures when the user's input is not filtered or improperly filtered. The main goal of attacker is use to access the information stored in website's database. It can be done manually, read more here . In this tutorial, I am using to do the same thing easily using a tool. Read the disclaimer first before proceeding. I remind you again that its only for educational purposes. Requirement: Download the tool from here . Its SqliHelperV.2.1. Steps of attack :- Vulnerable Website > Database > Tables > Columns > Data Search for any vulnerable website using Google Dorks . I found this website . I came to know its vulnerable ...

Send , identify , trace Fake/Spoofed Email | Email Bombing | Email Spamming

Basics of working of Email ( You can skip this part) Email stands for Electronic Mail. Email sending and receiving is controlled by the Email servers.Email service providers configure Email Server before anyone can Sign into his or her account and start communicating digitally.Users from across the world register in to these Email servers and setup an Email account. Email Travelling Path :- Let’s say we have two Email providers, one is and other is, ABC is a registered user in and XYZ is a registered user in • ABC signs in to his Email account in, he then writes a mail to the and sends the message. • But what happens behind the curtains, the Email from the computer of is forwarded to the Email server of Server of then looks for on the internet and forwards the Email of the for the account of Yahoo server puts that email in that account. • XYZ the...

Metasploit Tutorial - With an example | Exploiting the vulnerabilities

--- The Metasploit Framework --- Note : This is an advance topic.Read Carefully. Feel free to ask any kind of queries . We are always here to help you. If you are really interested in network security, chances are you must have heard of the Metasploit over the last few years. Now, have you ever wondered what someone can do to your PC, by just knowing your IP. Here's the answer. He could 0wN you, or in other words , he could have full access to your PC provided you hav e just a few security loopholes which may arise cause of even a simple reason like not updating your Flash player last week, when it prompted you to do so. Metasploit is a hacker's best friend, mainly cause it makes the job of exploitation and post-exploitation a lot easier compared to other traditional methods of hacking. The topic Metasploit is very vast in itself.However, i'll try keeping it basic and simple so that it could be understood by everyone here. Also, Metasp loit can be...